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The Only Thing A Local Business Needs From Yelp

Do Local Businesses Need Yelp

Do Local Businesses Need Yelp?

Of course not, Yelp needs local businesses.

DISCLAIMER: I am not a fan of Yelp, Yelp Ads, Yelp reviews, Yelpers, or anything even loosely associated with Yelp. This is 100% my opinion based on past experience with clients’ experience on the platform.

Having said all that, I believe a Yelp Business listing is an essential local citation to claim, verify & optimize for any local business – and it’s 100% free to do that.

What’s not free are Yelp Ads, and in my opinion, they are a complete waste of money for damn near any business.

But, you’re not here to read some Yelp rant, those abound out there on the interweb. What we’ll tackle with this post is why & how to claim, verify & optimize your Yelp Business page.

How to Claim Your Yelp Business Page

Yelp Business pages are nothing new, but many local businesses still have unclaimed listings out there that could be hurting their overall online visibility. (more…)

5 Ways Your Business Can Dominate Google Maps

How Can Your Business Dominate Google Maps?


Google Maps leads new customers to your local business every single day – whether you know it or not.

But in order for local businesses to dominate Google Maps, there are certain things you must do to make sure Google can find your business when people around you go a searchin’.

Listing your business on Google Maps is the start, but it doesn’t end there.

In order to dominate Google Maps, you need to claim more than your Google My Business listing.

Local SEO starts with an owned, verified & optimized Google My Business listing, it’s a great – free – way to get your business in front of new customers.

Most searches these days take place on a mobile device, this is one primary reason why Google is going to a mobile-first index by July 2018.

Google found that 4 out of 5 people surveyed used search engines to conduct local searches. used smartphones and 84% used a computer or tablet.

Mobile-first means Google will be ranking the mobile version of your website, before the desktop version.

Takeaway: you shoulda been mobile-friendly as of April 21st, 2015. (more…)

How to Add Your Carlsbad Business to Apple Maps

Apple Launches “Maps Connect” Self-Service Local Listings Portal


Apple “Maps Connect” is a new self-service tool designed to get your local business data directly into Apple Maps. For most Carlsbad businesses your info will most likely already be listed – BUT you will still need to claim the listing to ensure consistency of the data.

Apple Maps Connect enables the DIY business owners (in the US only – for now) or their authorized representatives (not agencies at present) to be able to quickly and easily claim & edit your business listing directly in Apple Maps.

This service is totally free – as it should be – and the listings (or corrected listings) appear on Apple Maps on desktop computers & mobile phones or tablets.


Apple Maps for Carlsbad Businesses

How to Add Your Carlsbad Business Data Directly into Apple Maps


Primarily the business name, address, & phone info is most important. Then it’s just a matter of choosing the correct categories, connecting your social media profiles, and verifying your Apple Maps listing.

Users sign in with their Apple IDs and passwords. If you don’t have an Apple ID you have to create one. Below are some screen shots showing the steps involved in the sign-up & claims process.

Just make sure you are consistent with every other local listing or search engine listing (like Yelp, or Google My Business..etc.) you have already claimed. Best practice is to be VERY specific, for example: (more…)

3 Reasons You Need To Claim More Than Your Google+ Local Listing

Local SEO For Your Carlsbad Business May Start With Google…But It Doesn’t End There

It’s 2014; any local business that has not yet taken control of their Google+ Local presence by verifying their listing is out of touch at best, and soon to be not doing any business at worse.

Local search optimization (Local SEO) is not expensive, and if done right it can continue to pay significant dividends in the form of new customers, more reviews, and boosted search engine rankings.

The tasks begin with verifying & optimizing local search engine listings on Google, Yahoo, &  Bing. A relatively straight-forward process that should be as important to a local business owner as improving cash flow and paying the electric bill.

This claims process soon progresses to sniffing out any inconsistent or incorrect business name, address, or phone number information across numerous local search sites, internet yellow pages sites, and specialty niche (healthcare or travel review, attorney search, industry associations…etc.) sites.

Local seo for your Carlsbad business may start with Google but it sure as shinola doesn’t stop there.

3 Reasons Why Your Carlsbad Business Needs Local SEO

Local business owners can boost their ranking factors in those foundational search engine environs through leveraging their name, address, and phone data by disseminating it through various local search directories, IYP sites (internet yellow pages), and niche dental health portals.

And what is the end result of improved rankings on the search engine results pages? (more…)

How Local Businesses Acquire New Customers With Local SEO

How Local Businesses Acquire New Customers With Local SEO


3 Ways Local SEO Gets You New Customers

By verifying & optimizing your businesses’ local search engine profiles or Places pages.

By expanding their digital footprint & boosting ranking signals of those search engine environments through claiming their business profiles in the most popular local search portals, internet yellow pages sites, and specialty portals.

By using some type of review generation system – however generous, overt, well-timed, annoying, distasteful, or laser-targeted, you choose to make it.

Now for the background and supporting info on HOW to get there… (more…)