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Does Your Carlsbad Business Get Results From Facebook?

We have heard it all before; get your Carlsbad business on Facebook or risk losing customers because you’re not presenting an up to date socially communicative digital business identity.

We’ve said it, you’ve probably heard it from customers, from the never-ending stream of sales calls, from colleagues, and probably even friends or family members. It’s true…BUT…

Without a plan and system in place to maximize online visibility (you know Twitter, Foursquare, & Pinterest also offer advertising opportunities), social media can become more of a time glut than an advertising strategy to acquire new customers and provide quantifiable return on engagement.

Got Facebook Results?

First we need to define what results we’re hoping to achieve. We can do this by simply identifying a goal, then using Facebook as a tool in your digital belt to meet – and hopefully exceed – the goal, or goals.

Let’s look at some of the goals the average local business using Facebook might hope to accomplish:

  • More new customers Facebook Ads for Carlsbad Businesses
  • Increased retention/recall percentages
  • More reviews
  • More page ‘Likes’
  • Keeping up with the Joneses
  • Event promotion

Now let’s examine how we’ll go about doing all of that – there are certainly more goals that could be discussed, but these are likely the most popular to any small business using Facebook…or any social media marketing effort. (more…)

What is Pinterest & Why Would a Local Carlsbad Business Sign-up?

Pinterest is one of the fastest growing social networks and a potential game-changer when it comes to local small business digital marketing.

On Pinterest, people post and share pictures of things they like, or find funny, or interesting, or poignant, or helpful, or creative, or ridiculous, or romantic, or empowering,…or just about any other human emotion we can express with the help of images.

Who cares? (more…)

How is Facebook Communicating Your Business Timeline?

This one is good news for the socially derelict local Carlsbad businesses out there; those civically active but socially absent Main St. small businesses yet to realize new customer acquisition and retention opportunities the ever-expanding array of social media marketing tools makes available to them.

Those lucky local businesses won’t be impacted at all by the new Facebook Timeline! (more…)

How Carlsbad Small Businesses Can Capitalize on Social Search & Google+

Facebook and Google are two of the major players in social media and online search; full stop.

But Google has one monumental advantage over Facebook…or several hundred million, or quadrillion, or an s* load.

Due to a recent (and impending future) major Google update, intrinsically personal social info will now be mixed into the search engine results pages along with the historical norm of what Google determines to be most relevant results relative to our search keywords.

Makes sense right? (more…)

Engaging Local Carlsbad Customers on Facebook: Beyond the Like

From the looks of the local social digital marketing landscape here in Carlsbad, we’re already past the point of San Diego small businesses using Facebook as an inbound marketing component to their overall digital practice marketing plan.

We’ve gone from Facebook to Foursquare at light speed, and we’re still trying to figure out whether or not Google+ will be advantageous. (more…)

What Facebook Insights Says About Our Carlsbad Small Business

When it comes to Facebook, lots of local small businesses around Carlsbad are still in a holding pattern, circling the social media biosphere and searching for a place to land.

Given the multitude of available runways in the San Diego region, you’d think the options abound.

But, the challenge remains.

From the left-seat, there’s always something else in operating a local small business that takes immediate precedent over social media, local search optimization, and digital marketing for that matter.  What Facebook Insights Says About Our San Diego Small Business

But things are changing; local Carlsbad small business owners are starting to realize the tangible benefits received by consistent and engaging social media communications.

But how do you know if your Facebook page is ‘working’ or not? (more…)