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How Google Buying Zagat Impacts Carlsbad Small Business – Part Deux

In the past week we’ve examined, or at least loosely discussed, how all of this social media, local search, and mobile marketing buzz affects our local Carlsbad small businesses.

SoLoMo digital marketing is here to stay, embrace it sooner rather than later to save money and capitalize on opportunity while competitors languish or make excuses.

In Part 1 of our Google buying Zagat examination – we use that term loosely – we chose to highlight how that Wall St. acquisition impacts Main St. small businesses right here in Carlsbad. (more…)

How to Get Your Carlsbad Business SoLoMo Connected

Small businesses across the world all share one common need to sustain growth; new customers.

Communicating with these potential and existing customers within their local community seems to still be in the dark ages.

At least the analog ages.

Or, more often than not most small businesses rely on existing customer word of mouth to generate new customer referrals.

Never mind wasting unbelievable amounts of money on local newspaper, Pennysaver ads, or 15 different yellow pages books that find their way immediately to the recycle bin. (more…)