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What Your Carlsbad Business Has In Common With Dennis Rodman & North Korea

Human beings are social animals, and generally speaking we’re also a fairly needy bunch; we’re constantly on the lookout for attention from and approval of others. Now whether that statement applies to us individually only sometimes or all the time, it’s usually the emotional elixir of getting attention and receiving approval from others that drives the behavior.

It’s not the approval and attention we’re after; it’s the way the attentive approval makes us feel that reinforces our triggers to go seek more of it.

We all have emotions that sometimes drive our actions a little more so than they should.

That’s all well and good, but what in the H E double hockey sticks does this psychobabble BS have to do with North Korea, Dennis Rodman, or digital marketing for local your Carlsbad business new customer acquisition?


Engaging Local Carlsbad Customers on Facebook: Beyond the Like

From the looks of the local social digital marketing landscape here in Carlsbad, we’re already past the point of San Diego small businesses using Facebook as an inbound marketing component to their overall digital practice marketing plan.

We’ve gone from Facebook to Foursquare at light speed, and we’re still trying to figure out whether or not Google+ will be advantageous. (more…)

Cue the Local Carlsbad Customers

Technology is merging with user habits, allowing us to instantly connect with local businesses and even see what others have to say about their specific purchasing experience, patronizing every place from the local pub to the neighborhood apothecary.

In our ongoing efforts to promote effective social, local, and mobile San Diego small business digital marketing, we’re going highlight a couple specific examples of mainstream television advertising that can have a significant impact on local business, no matter the industry, product, or service. (more…)

Top 5 Reasons Why Your Carlsbad Small Business Needs Blog – Part 2

Carlsbad small businesses are feeling the economic crunch; we can probably continue this post with minimal blow-back from that claim.

But inside of all this doom and gloom, the smart San Diego small businesses are adjusting to change.

The smart small businesses in town are adapting to this transition, this shift in digital marketing communications.

They are actively overcoming the challenges a stymied economy and sky-rocketing unemployment rate represent to local Carlsbad small businesses.

And that’s only two challenges. (more…)

How Google Buying Zagat Impacts Carlsbad Small Business – Part Deux

In the past week we’ve examined, or at least loosely discussed, how all of this social media, local search, and mobile marketing buzz affects our local Carlsbad small businesses.

SoLoMo digital marketing is here to stay, embrace it sooner rather than later to save money and capitalize on opportunity while competitors languish or make excuses.

In Part 1 of our Google buying Zagat examination – we use that term loosely – we chose to highlight how that Wall St. acquisition impacts Main St. small businesses right here in Carlsbad. (more…)